Yes, CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE is the first book in a trilogy. CHILDREN OF VIRTUE AND VENGEANCE is the sequel, and both are out now.
You can find out more about it here.
Book 3 is scheduled to come out in 2021.
Here are all the countries that currently have the first book in the series out/the rights to the series:
Brazil: Editora Rocco
Bulgaria: Egmont Bulgaria Publishing House
Canada (French): ADA
Czech Republic: Host
Denmark: Politikens Forlag
France: Editions Nathan
Germany: S. Fischer Verlag
Holland: HarperCollins Holand
Hungary: Maxim Könyvkiado Kft
Israel: Kinneret Zmora Bitan
Italy: Rizzoli Editore
Japan: Sayzansha
Korea: Daseossure
Nigeria: Ouida Books
Poland: Wydawnictwo Dolnoslaskie
Portugal: Planeta
Romania: Editura Epica
Serbia: Urban Reads
Spain: RBA Libros
Sweden: Lavender Lit
Turkey: Hep Kitap
United Kingdom: Macmillan Children's Books UK
There is!
You can download the guide created by the Macmillan School & Library Team and me here.
Come meet me in person at one of my book tour stops! Click here to see if I'm coming to a city near you!
You can pre-order the book at my local independent bookstore, Mysterious Galaxy. Click here to get it!
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The CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE movie is in development at Lucasfilm/Fox with Rick Famuyima (Dope) attached to direct.
I'll update my site with more information about the movie as it comes!
Possibly! If you're interested, email
Possibly! It depends on my schedule as well as other factors. If you would like me to attend, please feel free to contact me at
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This is possible, too! My answer will depend on my schedule and other factors, but please contact my assistant at
I'll write a long and detailed blog post about this in the future, but the short(ish) answer is: I wrote and revised a book for 3 years. During that time, I researched everything I could about the publishing industry and began reading heavily in my genre. I queried it for ~6 months and got enough helpful rejections to know that book was not going to get me an agent or a book deal.
I took everything I learned from that experience and started CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE in June, 2016. Because of all I had learned over the past 3.5 years and my decision to move to a part-time job, I was able to write and revise it quickly to enter the 2016 Pitch Wars competition. I got into that competition and was matched with my lovely mentor and freelance editor Ashley Hearn (you can work with her, too! click here to learn more), and we revised the book heavily for 2 months.
From Pitch Wars I received 15 offers of representation and after choosing my agents, revised heavily for 2.5 more months, and then we went on submission, where I decided to go with Macmillan and their imprint Henry Holt Books for Young Readers.
Soon after the book was sold, Fox 2000 came in with an offer. I was wowed by the resume and passion of my producers Wyck Godfrey and Karen Rosenfelt, and we agreed on elements that were most important to me about the story, so the movie deal was made.
Luckily I have an entire website full of advice for this, but the short of it is:
WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE: you'll only get better at writing and discover your voice if you keep writing. Before the first two books I tried to get published, I wrote for over 15 years. Most of what I wrote wasn't good and most of my stories were never finished, but writing that much still taught me how to write and how I like to write.
READ, READ, READ, READ, READ: the biggest reason my first book didn't go anywhere was because I hadn't read in my genre for almost six years when I started writing it. When you read widely (in and outside of your genre) you not only internalize valuable writing lessons, you learn what's marketable and what's not.
CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT: if you flip to the back of a book you'll see the dozens of people who helped make that book what it is. Connect with other writers no matter your age, because they're invaluable in the writing journey.
To read about my best tips to becoming a publishing author, click here.
Due to my schedule and my three book deadlines, I'm not able to mentor anyone officially at this time. But there are many online opportunities for you to learn everything that's helped me right now.
Writing Knowledge: My site was named one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers by Writer's Digest because it's full of writing knowledge and training. You can get that training right now in the form of online masterclasses, blog posts, free video trainings, and downloadable writing resources.
You can access all of them here, and if you subscribe you'll always get my latest writing and publishing advice sent straight to your inbox!
I’m sorry again, but I can’t due to time restraints and for legal limitations. However if you're a writer looking for a critique partner or beta reader, you may be able to find one in my website's Facebook Group: The Write Place. You can subscribe to learn more.
Thank you for your interest! The movie is not casting at this time. When it is, I will put information here about how/if you can be in the movie.